The Departments under the CIO oversight required a coordinated direction and strategy to deliver IT Services and transition to increase As a Service and Cloud based sourcing arrangements.
The Queensland Government endorsed an ICT Strategy Action Plan supporting three primary objectives, one of which was to provide Efficient Digital Services for Government. A noted challenge to achieving this objective is for each departmental ICT asset base to be evaluated for the future to develop department ICT as-a-service road maps to divest ICT systems and assets where it makes sense to do so.
As a result, there was the need to undertake an assessment for a group of Queensland Departments to review the ability and opportunities for this Group of Departments to adopt cloud based solutions and to provide a high-level Strategic roadmap for ICT as-a-service adoption (aaS).
IPG worked with the six departments to develop aaS options that considered Cloud solutions, Business Process Outsourcing, Managed Services or Sell and Lease back models. Using a Cloud Readiness assessment model, IPG analysed the Group’s Cloud Readiness from the perspective of a number of factors including:
IPG work defined a high level road map that formed a sound launching point for ongoing consultation within departments and the divestments of systems and assets as appropriate over the coming months and years.
The Cloud Readiness Assessment and ICT Strategic As-a-Service Road Map delivered a way forward for the CIO to position the six Departments under his responsibility to better address the requirements of the Queensland Government Strategic Action plan in relation to ICT as-a-service. This work encompassed requirements and current intent regarding an aaS model; the current ICT strategy and program of work; assessment of the current portfolio of applications and infrastructure as the basis to develop a model that can maximise mature industry aaS solutions; and consideration for services that could be also provided and/or negotiated on an aaS basis.
State Government