An ASX listed Chemical Manufacturer

About This Project

An ASX listed chemical manufacturer was embarking upon a global ERP implementation. They had grown significantly through acquisition and had a range of disparate systems and processes that they wished to standardise across their global operations.

They had selected the MS Dynamics solution but were yet to finalise consulting/systems integration needs.  Microsoft were providing direct consulting and systems integration support at the early stages but both parties were considering whether this was a suitable arrangement for the life of the Program.


The Situation

The initial need was for an independent review to assist the company and Microsoft to determine a mutually appropriate forward plan, and then to provide assistance with next steps.  As a result, Information Professionals was appointed jointly by them.  This resulted in the managed transition-out of Microsoft, and the need for the selection and transition-in of a new systems integrator.


The Approach

The initial approach followed a standard health check process, with confidential interviews, review of documentation and project plans and an experiential and standards based assessment of the current state.  Multiple scenarios were considered and fielded with stakeholders and a negotiated outcome identified and settled on the common ground that maximized all parties interests.

The Strategy and Procurement Objectives for the engagement then involved:

  • Providing advice on both the smooth exit and selection/onboarding of the replacement supplier
  • Negotiation strategy and planning to support the appointment and contract formation with the new supplier.
  • Definition of commercial terms, including performance-based measures and targets that were integrated into the Statement of Work for the new systems integration partner.
  • Design and Development of joint planning between client and supplier to ensure approach and responsibilities and planning frameworks were consistent as part of the transition-in.  This utilised the Microsoft methodology, supplemented with IPG’s Digital Delivery framework to ensure that change management, data migration, training, business policy and process change and other areas of interest in a whole of business transformation were properly planned and considered.
  • Risk management and governance including risk workshops, risk appetite definition and risk analysis and planning.
  • Program Assurance and Review, including ongoing gated assurance and health checks, and stakeholder consultation.

Overall, beyond the initial joint review we guided the appointment of an appropriate Systems Integration partner, established the performance and commercial terms and joint KPIs and plans, resulting in the contracts and SOWs. We also assisted with risk management, change management, program planning and assurance over the term of the program.


The Impact

The seamless exit of existing and onboarding of new suppliers went very well, and the overall Program delivered its objectives, and was well supported by their appointed Service Provider.

The program was successfully delivered, providing the CIO and CFO and organisation with the results they were seeking.

For more information or for more case studies like this, please contact us.


Chemical Manufacturer


Growing Company

Capabilities Delivered
  • Independent health check supporting multiple stakeholder interests.
  • Effective negotiation techniques – Transition out agreed and implemented with all relationships and strong mutual interests retained.
  • Commercial and KPI definitions, linked to contract remuneration.
  • ISO31000 risk management.
  • ADKAR change management.
  • Microsoft Surestep and IPG DD methodologies.
Client Wins
  • Mutual transition out arrangements for the incumbent.
  • Seamless transition and successful client/systems integrator partnership.
  • Ongoing improvements over the long-term program, resulting in overall success in this global rollout.
Growing Companies, IMPLEMENTATION