Growing Companies

Know more of our DIGITAL & ICT STRATEGY capabilities.   What is the trend for the best performing Supply Chains today and into the future? I attended the SCOPE conference in Chicago with an expectation to discover the next big thing. Was there...

Know more of our DIGITAL & ICT STRATEGY capabilities.   Big Data – the technology challenge for our age, or part of the ongoing development of the art of management?  You get a strong technology push if you listen to the messages...

Know more of our IMPLEMENTATION capabilities.   In management discussions, we often talk about culture and how important a strong, vibrant culture is to the success of an organisation.  I have been thinking about this lately, particularly after coming across a business...

Know more of our RISK & CYBERSECURITY capabilities.   I was asked not long ago what kept me awake at night as a CIO. This is a great question, but an even more important question is, what helps me have a peaceful...

Know more of our IMPLEMENTATION capabilities.   As management practitioners of all things ICT and business change, us IPers read with note recently that the Australian Institute of Project Management (AIPM) recently held their annual ball, and that it was a masquerade...

Know more of our DIGITAL & ICT STRATEGY capabilities. I'll order some data, hold the info please. I have been to some presentations lately and they present data with a disclaimer of sorts, saying "This data is provided for information only". It got...

Know more of our DIGITAL & ICT STRATEGY capabilities. For those who have considered the question: “I want to be a CIO?”, we present views based on our own observations and first hand experiences. We know from experience that CIO roles can...

Know more of our DIGITAL & ICT STRATEGY capabilities.   I am just back from a long overseas holiday and enjoyed the wonderful differences and equally, our similarities as humans, across various parts of the world. One of these occured at the Musee...

Know more of our DIGITAL & ICT STRATEGY capabilities.   In a continuing series of blogs on Project Assurance  on writing on a Project Assurance Framework a colleague asked what was meant by Framework. It was a surprising but good question given the...