Local Government

Know more of our IMPLEMENTATION capabilities.   Criteria # 1 was about risk management.  We all do risk management to some degree.  Let's face it, that is the only reason a project starts.  How many projects have you started because you didn't want...

Know more of our IMPLEMENTATION capabilities.   This post represents my first blog in a while and a fresh commitment to blog more regularly. To restart here, I have recapped on Success Criteria #1, Risk Management.  That sounds boring doesn't it!  Well perhaps...

Know more of our IMPLEMENTATION capabilities. Have you noticed how we have so many more projects, change programs, new initiatives and strategies in our organisations today?  Have you noticed that so many more people are Project Managers...

Know more of our IMPLEMENTATION capabilities. I have held back from commenting for a little while now, but it has been over three months and the story continues with recriminations and reports.  Of course, I am referring to the Queensland Health...

Know more of our IMPLEMENTATION capabilities.   Seth Godin is one of my favourite marketing and business writers.  I love this recent blog which some may feel has nothing to do with marketing, but really has everything to do with it and...

Know more of our IMPLEMENTATION capabilities. OK, to start with let me declare that I love Change Managers. I work with many of them, I consider some to be good friends, and I see them as having a crucial role to...

Know more of our DIGITAL & ICT STRATEGY capabilities.   One of the technology forecasters' latest claimed “winners” is Unified Communications (UC). A recent report published by Research and Markets predicts that the UC market in Australia will grow at a compound...

Know more of our IMPLEMENTATION capabilities.   Many Australian managers are very downbeat about the long term survival prospects of their businesses and are concerned about the impact of short term thinking on organisational health. This is the central conclusion of a...

Know more of our RISK & CYBERSECURITY capabilities.   It seems that many companies would be well advised to install revolving doors on the offices of Chief Information Officers (CIO’s). The March 2009 survey by CIO Magazine found that 24% of the...