Know more of our DIGITAL & ICT STRATEGY capabilities.   To boost profitability, we can cut IT costs, as it’s easy to lop off a little fat there. Apparently IT also generates 2% or more of the carbon footprint so if we...

Know more of our DIGITAL & ICT STRATEGY capabilities.   One of the technology forecasters' latest claimed “winners” is Unified Communications (UC). A recent report published by Research and Markets predicts that the UC market in Australia will grow at a compound...

Know more of our DIGITAL & ICT STRATEGY capabilities.   Since the economic meltdown started, one question has been: Is this the end of the green agenda, at least in the short-term? And will environmental stewardship be considered a luxury we can...

Know more of our DIGITAL & ICT STRATEGY capabilities.   Many of us are familiar with the boom bust era of the dot.coms. Unfortunately it was a step in the erosion of business credibility for the IT sector. That credibility is starting...

Know more of our DIGITAL & ICT STRATEGY capabilities.   Spotting trends is hard to do with the distraction of the ‘doom and gloom’ in the media at the moment. It can create a fog of what is really going on around...

Know more of our DIGITAL & ICT STRATEGY capabilities.   Australia is ranked 7th and 14th in two recent reports on its effective use of information technology. Consistently in front of Australia in both reports are the US, Sweden, Switzerland and Finland. Some...

Know more of our DIGITAL & ICT STRATEGY capabilities.   Gartner looks into the future, or tries to define it, as is their role. Some time ago, in “Traditional IT department to disappear in radical five year transition”, Gartner proposed that successful...

Know more of our DIGITAL & ICT STRATEGY capabilities.   A new survey into the scope and frequency of legal disputes over IT-related contracts in Australia has raised some debate, with Gartner contradicting the findings and recommendations in the Australian IT of...

Know more of our DIGITAL & ICT STRATEGY capabilities.   Technology in the financial industry would normally bring about thinking of mainframe computers, large projects, Basel II and well structured governance, however, that is being challenged. At the Technology & Innovation –...