IT Management Framework

IT Management Framework

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In a continuing series of blogs on Project Assurance  on writing on a Project Assurance Framework a colleague asked what was meant by Framework.

It was a surprising but good question given the industry we are in, and prompted thinking that there was something in the question.  To provide a clear and definitive statement this question is considered with a definitive answer.
There are many types of frameworks and not are all equal: Software FrameworksEA FrameworkInfrastructure Frameworks and so on.
While contemplating on the subject, it is worth considering the various types of frameworks around to support and facilitate IT Management generally.
The best reference found is that of Calder-Moir IT Governance Framework.  calder-moir governance framework
The Calder-Moir IT Governance Framework evolved as a conceptual approach to help organisations visualise effective IT governance, drawing on and integrating the wide range of IT management tools and systems that exist in the world today.  The good about the Framework is that is also aligns with all international standards and can provide a unifying approach to IT management.
So when we talk about a Framework, what do we mean and if we were developing a framework what would be the key components that should be included.
In general, a framework is a structure intended to guide the building of something. It would define a set of functions or processes, the rules applying to these and their inter-relationship or interfaces.  The focus of a Framework is in clearly defining a set of steps that can be re-used and or improved, clearly describe the relationships and associations between things (processes, people, programs, assets etc.) and described the interactions between these things.
A good example of a framework is one we are all familiar with is the Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architecture where the fundamentals of communication of the Framework is found in the interrogatives: What, How, When, Who, Where, and Why.
zachman framework
Elements that all Frameworks should address.
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