No More Technology in IT Department

No More Technology in IT Department

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Gartner looks into the future, or tries to define it, as is their role. Some time ago, in “Traditional IT department to disappear in radical five year transition”, Gartner proposed that successful IT organisations will divide into at least two parts with one focused on technology sourcing and delivery while the other will focus on architecture and change. It was suggested that their names may change from IT departments to process or innovation departments.

Previously we pointed to an article on Gartner’s vision of the future of organisational IT, which speculated that in five years time, commoditisation of products and services will lead to the demise of the technical functions of that unit of the business. Its focus would turn towards processes and innovation instead. Google saw the need for IT personnel to embrace this development or end up being pushed into obsolescence. According to Google, the responsibility of the company’s IT people will be “coaching users as to the best tools to choose to enhance their performance on the job”. Sounds something like “governance”, perhaps advising, brokering, facilitating?

Following on from the above, Gartner also advised that the consumerisation of IT is to “cause significant disruption in the technology sector”. The response to that was to be found in encouraging corporate IT to become innovative (“The IT Revolution Needs You”). Subsequently, it was speculated that commoditisation of products and services threatens the subsistence of the entirely technical functions of corporate IT (see above). More precisely, Gartner identified 14 delivery models that have to be taken into consideration, which will transform the IT industry. In effect, these will, in many areas, supplant the traditional lifecycle of systems and applications, where the user “owned” at least part of the infrastructure, and retained “risk and responsibility for the overall design and management”. These “alternative” delivery models are meant to bypass the corporate IT function, and soon may be mainstream.

Looking back, many of these changes occured.  Many did not.  The typical IT department is not typical any more.  They vary markedly.  Some have adopted this direction very strongly, others less so, but all to some degree.  And those that have not adopted much of this are generally lagging in performance.

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