This data is provided for information only!

This data is provided for information only!

Know more of our DIGITAL & ICT STRATEGY capabilities.
I’ll order some data, hold the info please.

I have been to some presentations lately and they present data with a disclaimer of sorts, saying “This data is provided for information only”. It got me pondering what this actually means. After all, the only use of presenting data is to provide information. Data that provides no information is useless, and so why would anyone want to do that.

As in all things, context helps, and to help understand what “information only” means it is worth understanding where information sits within an  information value chain. If we look at how data and information provides value to our lives, then the normal value adding process is:

  • Data, which is then presented with some context and meaning creates
  • Information, which is then connected into areas that we know and understand creates
  • Knowledge, which leads to new realisations and deeper understanding creates
  • Insights, which then provides impetus for us doing something creates
  • Action.

So these presentations are not advising us to take action, only to take the information.

Information Management is a topic that is universally recognised as an area for improvement in most organisations. Many people know this, but where to start and what to do? That is the challenge. This value chain explains, in some part, why this is such a challenge.

As soon as we move beyond Information to Knowledge, Insights and Action, it becomes very personal. It is all tailored to an organisation’s unique needs and then ultimately to each person’s unique views, needs and perspectives.

Therefore delivering the information in the right way depends on the knowledge and insights being sought by each individual for them to take their own action.  It is no wonder that personalised apps are so popular.

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